Fonds d’aide urgence gériatrique

The Fonds d'aide urgence gériatrique is dedicated to the safety and comfort of seniors admitted to the Hôpital Fleurimont or Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke, who have basic needs that cannot be met by themselves or their loved ones. This fund makes it possible to provide a wide range of essential personal care products during their stay in the emergency room or geriatric unit.

Fondation du CHUS | Logo du Fonds d'aide urgence gériatrique
For further information
Laëtitia Amiot
Philanthropic Development Advisor
or at
819 820-6450
Ext. 22807
Men on the terrace of Les Enfants Terribles in Magog
Portrait of Mélanie Grégoire, executive director of Serres St-Élie, who is holding a small plant in her hands.

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