October 9, 2024

20 years for the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault: an invaluable contribution to the CHUS


This anniversary was celebrated with a special tribute to Brigitte's parents, Paule and Gilles Perreault, who, through the fund that bears her name, have helped keep their daughter's values alive. And so, for the past 20 years now, the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault has been helping to improve the quality, safety and humanization of care offered in hospitals in Sherbrooke.

Au coeur de cet événement avait lieu un hommage aux parents de Brigitte, Gilles et Paule (au centre sur la photo). On les voit ici avec leur fille Anne-Marie et son conjoint Mathieu Bouchard (à gauche sur la photo) et les responsables du comité du Fonds, dans l'ordre, Linda Hébert, Dr Pierre Charron et Dre Dusanka Grbic. Fondation du CHUS, Fonds Brigitte-Perreaults, 20 ans
At the heart of the event was a tribute to Brigitte's parents, Gilles and Paule (center of photo). They are pictured here with their daughter Anne-Marie and her husband Mathieu Bouchard (left), and Fund committee members Linda Hébert, Dr. Pierre Charron and Dr. Dusanka Grbic.
All these years, the Fonds has maintained this aim, which is to be present for patients, to support them and their environment. For me it is the key. When you are vulnerable, you want to remain dignified, to feel loved, respected, and listened to. I encourage people to continue giving to the Brigitte-Perreault Fund so that this mission can continue and because the projects funded make a real difference.

— Vincent Vallières, sponsor of the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault.

This fund was created in memory of Dr. Brigitte Perreault, a gastroenterologist recognized for her human approach, appreciated by her patients, colleagues and students. She died of cancer at the age of 30.

“It was a real collective mourning. She was just starting her practice, and she was also beginning to teach. We wanted to ensure that her beautiful values, where the patient is at the heart of care, could continue, and that's why we created this fund,” remembers Dr. Pierre Charron, the fund's instigator and a former professor at the Université de Sherbrooke's Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé.

So far, the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault has enabled 126 projects to come to fruition, representing an investment of over $1.1 million. Most of these projects were submitted by staff members working at Hôpital Fleurimont and Hôtel-Dieu. “We invite them to submit projects to the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault. It's a valuable additional lever to help us improve our service offering. A simple idea can make a big difference to a patient's hospital experience,” explains Catherine Forget, Assistant Director of Cancer Care at CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS, noting that a video to guide patients through their first chemotherapy treatment was produced last year.  

Pamphlets, fact sheets, posters, platforms and videos have been produced in various departments over the years. Other projects have also enabled the integration of new practices and approaches, for example, for elderly patients and those at the end of life. The Fund's contribution to the creation of the Sentiers de la santé, in the wooded area on the grounds of Hôpital Fleurimont, is also a project aimed at providing a beneficial environment for both the physical and mental health of its users, be they staff members, patients or relatives of a person receiving care.

Looking to the future

Over the next few years, the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault expects to receive more projects aimed at supporting caregivers. “We'll continue to support the same missions, but in terms of humanizing care, we want to promote caregivers. There are needs, because the population is aging and care will increasingly be directed to the home,” explains Dr. Dusanka Grbic, gastroenterologist and head of the Fonds Brigitte-Perreault.

For more information
Geneviève Roberge
or at
819 820-6450
Ext. 21125
Our 2023 laureates


April 19 2023
Volunteer Involvement Week | Recognition Gala of the CHUS Foundation

In the heart of Volunteer Action Week, the CHUS Foundation held its Recognition Gala on Wednesday evening, to thank and highlight the involvement of a few hundred people who allowed it to accomplish its mission over the past year.

Lauréats 2022 - Gala reconnaissance | implication bénévole de la Fondation du CHUS


April 29, 2022
2022 Gala reconnaissance of the CHUS Foundation

On Thursday, April 28, in the heart of Volunteer Action Week, the CHUS Foundation held its Gala reconnaissance to highlight the volunteer involvement of a few hundred people who allowed it to accomplish its mission over the past year.

Guy et Carole Séguin, Fondation du CHUS


June 16 2021
Giving back to change lives

Welcoming and warm. These two simple words summarize the atmosphere that Carole Paris and Guy Séguin discovered when they came to work as volunteers at the CHUS Foundation more than eight years ago.