It is with great pride that the CHUS Foundation du CHUS announces that it has raised a record amount of $48,617,950 during its major campaign, which began in 2018 and which just ended in March.
Thanks to the generosity of donors, numerous projects aimed at improving the care offered to the population, through the purchase of equipment or the financing of medical research, will be able to be carried out. Some investments have already been completed at the Fleurimont Hospital, the Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke and the CHUS Research Center. For example, the purchase of two mammograms with direct sensors, the addition of brachytherapy for prostate cancer, the acquisition of a pediatric electroencephalogram, the implementation of an intensive care transport system, access to pediatric oncopediatric research protocols, and the participation in the financing of a research chair in chronic pain and opioid pharmacology. Several other investments will be announced in the near future!
“We had a goal to reach $40 million in four years and the pandemic that entered our campaign slowed the pace in 2020 and 2021, but it was only to bounce back better! I would like to thank all our donors for their trust and our campaign office for allowing us this second wind and exceeding our expectations”,
declares Mr. Martin Clermont, Director General of the CHUS Foundation.
“The needs in the health system are great and it is important to continue to ensure that people in Estrie have the best care available today and in the future. We are fortunate to be able to count on such a comprehensive and specialized university center here at home. Thank you for responding.”
adds Mr. Jean François Bérubé, chairman of the board of directors of the CHUS Foundation.
Words from the co-chairs of the 2018-2022 major campaign
“Together we made this major campaign a success. We have a commitment to our region and a desire to maintain quality care at home that is adapted to the needs of the population. The donations collected provide this opportunity to do more with, for example, the acquisition of high-tech equipment that would not be accessible otherwise. It is important to continue to invest in the cause of health and to support the CHUS Foundation in its mission.”
- Mr. Alain Lemaire, co-founder and executive chairman of the board of directors of Cascades
“This campaign goes beyond numbers, it affects our people and our community. We have all been mobilized and motivated by a common desire to improve the daily lives of medical staff, health care for patients and the well-being of our society as a whole. We are very grateful to the donors and partners who generously contributed to this campaign. Your outpouring of solidarity and caring is inspiring and we are proud to be part of this community.”
- Mr. Éric Bujold, Head of Customer Relations at the National Bank of Canada
Members of the campaign cabinet
- Mr. Alain Lemaire, co-founder and executive chairman of the board of directors of Cascades
- Mr. Éric Bujold, Head of Customer Relations at the National Bank of Canada Ms. Michèle Dionne, philanthropist and author
- Mr. Alain Paquin, consulting partner at Raymond Chabot Grant Thorton
- Mr. Daniel Beaucage, President of the Beaucage Group
- Mr. Peter Provencher, investment advisor at IA Financial Group
- Mr. Mario Beaudoin, President of MB Capital
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