I can see the face of my spouse entering the room with a friend. I saw the fear and the incomprehension in his eyes. At 36, the father of two young children, I had a heart attack at work.
I remember the indescribable pain in my chest, but also in my whole being. Fortunately, I was taken care of immediately by my work colleagues and by the emergency services who quickly transferred me to the CHUS. I felt like I was in a whirlwind. A lot of people revolved around me. I even remember the voice of the emergency doctor saying, “He's giving us a heart attack.”
I said to myself, “How can I have a heart attack at 36? ”. When I arrive at the CHUS, everything is ready, they are waiting for me, their tasks sorted out at the drop of a hat. I went to cardiology, lying on the stretcher. I can still see the ceiling tiles scrolling... This image will certainly stay in my mind forever.
A few maneuvers later, when the stent was put in place along with the angioplasty, I felt my life go back to normal. I immediately felt a return to normal. For them, it was an ordinary procedure. For me it was a return to life!
I am now 53 years old and it has been 18 years since this incident happened. The doctors and nurses at the CHUS literally saved my life; they allowed me to see my children grow up and to continue my journey with my spouse. I will always be thankful for that.
Thanks to your donations, the care offered at Hôpital Fleurimont and the Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke is in constant evolution and has allowed, every day, small and big miracles for 50 years. Together, let's continue to support the health of people here.
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