May 7, 2024

A new research chair to understand, diagnose and treat Lyme disease and other emerging infections


Lyme disease has increased significantly in Canada over the last decade. Did you know that approximately 60% of Lyme disease cases reported in Quebec are here, in Estrie?

I want to contribute to the research chair
Dr. Alex Carignan at the launch of the Research Chair on Lyme Disease and Emerging Infections
Dr. Alex Carignan at the launch of the research chair | Photo credit: Université de Sherbrooke

In collaboration with the Fondation de l'Université de Sherbrooke, the CHUS Foundation is proud to contribute to the creation of the new Research Chair on Lyme Disease and Emerging Infections: a key research project to find solutions and improve the quality of care offered to the population of our region.

Led by Dr. Alex Carignan, a research professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke and a microbiologist-infectiologist at the CIUSSS de l'Estrie — CHUS, the chair aims to improve knowledge on the epidemiology and management of Lyme disease and other emerging infections in Quebec.

“With global warming, we are increasingly seeing tick populations migrate from the United States to our homes, bringing with them new diseases and infections, including Lyme disease. With the research chair, we want to improve knowledge on tick-borne infections in order to be much more proactive in the face of new infections that will arrive in the coming years.” - Dr. Alex Carignan

In addition to contributing to the advancement of research, Dr. Alex Carignan also wants to increase the awareness of the general public and the medical profession, in order to allow more rapid detection of cases of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections, and thus improve their management. In this sense, Dr. Alex Carignan will lead a Conference open to the public on June 11. The latter will cover a wide range of topics, from the origin of these diseases to the preventive measures to be taken in the event of a tick bite, thus offering a comprehensive exploration of this new plague.

“We are lucky here in Sherbrooke. We have an incredible center of expertise, whether at the level of CRCHUS, our research center, but also at the level of all the researchers who are involved here, locally. We need to help these people achieve and reach their goals, and that's what we tried to do with Dr. Carignan, who is an authority in the field.” - Martin Clermont, Executive Director of the CHUS Foundation

For more information
Annie Corriveau
or at
819 820-6450
Ext. 22906
Jonathan Beauvais
Fondation du CHUS


February 3, 2025
February is Heart Month

The year 2025 is an important one for Jonathan. He is completing his university studies in mechanical engineering and will be ready to pursue his passion in the workforce. But just as important to him, he survived a cardiac arrest 10 years ago.

Brigitte Perrault Fondation du CHUS
Fonds Brigitte-Perreault


12 octobre 2024
Des soins plus humains grâce à l’implication des proches

L’année 2024 marque le 20e anniversaire de la création du Fonds Brigitte-Perreault qui honore la mémoire d’une jeune gastroentérologue du CHUS décédée d’un cancer gastrique le 12 décembre 2004, à l’âge de 30 ans.

Alexia, 5 ans (2019)
Fondation du CHUS
soins de santé estrie


December 10, 2024
50 ans de soins - 50 ans d'histoires | Alexia

Alexia's life was saved thanks to rapid access to high-quality care at the CHUS. At the age of 5, she had a severe cerebral hemorrhage.

Marc Tremblay, patient, ainsi qu'Élie Fiogbé, récipiendaire de la bourse Desjardins
dystrophie myotonique de type 1 (DM1)
Bourse Desjardins
Fondation du CHUS
Centre de recherche du CHUS


November 11, 2024
More than financial support, a real opportunity for Élie Fiogbé

This year, the Centre de recherche du CHUS's postdoctoral fellowship, supported by Desjardins, was awarded to Élie Fiogbé, who will be able to continue his work on myotonic dystrophy type 1.

François Lefebvre
Fondation du CHUS
cancer de la prostate


November 5, 2024
50 years of care – 50 years of stories | François

Since his diagnosis with prostate cancer, François has realized just how common it is and how many men around him are affected by it.

amélie cantin, atteinte d'un cancer du sein
Fondation du CHUS


October 1st
50 years of care — 50 years of stories | Amélie

Amélie is suffering from breast cancer. A stage 3 hormone dependent cancer.

From left to right: Yannick Crack, new Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Jean-François Bérubé, outgoing Chairman.


September 25, 2024
New Chairman for the CHUS Foundation

It is with enthusiasm that we present to you the new chairman of the Board of directors of the CHUS Foundation, Yannick Crack, Esq, who, after many years of involvement in our organization, agrees to take over the reins for a term of 2 years.

Child receiving a blood test


September 5, 2024
Gentle care for children in the emergency room

Did you know that 14,000 children are received at the Fleurimont Hospital emergency room each year? These little cubs do not always like to undergo the good care of the staff who do their best to make a blood test pleasant!

Dany, a young patient at the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS, his brother Valier and his dad, Marco


September 5, 2024
50 years of care – 50 years of stories | Dany

Little Dany is 6 years old. He has just entered the first year of school and it is almost incredible, but for two years now, he has not had to worry about his food allergy to peanuts to the delight of his parents!

Laurence, a young patient at the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS


August 6, 2024
50 years of care – 50 years of stories | Laurence

Laurence has neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form on nerve tissue. This incurable disease currently affects one in 3,000 people.

Zachary, patient at the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS


July 2, 2024
50 years of care – 50 years of stories | Zachary

A particular case of blastomycosis detected quickly thanks to the expertise developed at the CHUS.

Gino, patient at the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS


June 8, 2024
50 years of care – 50 years of history | Gino

For them it was an ordinary procedure, for me it was a return to life!

Mosaic of patients who have been treated in Sherbrooke.


May 2, 2024
50 years of care at the CHUS, 50 years of stories

For 50 years, the CHUS has been striving for excellence in care and medical research. Its health care staff contributes to the transformation of lives here in Estrie.

Recipients of the 2024 Gala reconnaissance


April 18, 2024
An emotional evening to celebrate our volunteers!

The CHUS Foundation highlighted the involvement of its many volunteers by offering them an evening rich in emotions during its Gala reconnaissance, which was held this Thursday, in this volunteer action week.

Normand Therriault, instigator of the Fondation du CHUS


April 2, 2024
"I'm glad I came up with the idea! - Normand Therriault, founder of the CHUS Foundation

Nearly 50 years ago, the idea of creating a foundation to help his hospital arose in Normand Therriault's head. So, director of technical services at the Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS).

Papillon Fondation du CHUS et Santé des femmes


March 8, 2024
A new fund to invest in women's health!

The issues surrounding women's health are multiple and the field of research still remains a great area to be explored further.

Josée and Mathilde during a visit to the CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS.


February 13, 2024
News from Mathilde

A year ago, we met Josée, Mathilde's mother, who suffers from epilepsy and is receiving treatments here in Sherbrooke. On this International Epilepsy Day, we asked Josée for news about her daughter.

Employees and employees of the CHUS Foundation on the phone during Thanksgiving Day.


January 11, 2024
A thousand thanks

The hearts of all employees of the CHUS Foundation were overflowing with gratitude last Thursday as we celebrated the global day of the word “thank you”.

Presentation of the new positron emission tomographs (PET-CT) at the CRCHUS


November 2, 2023
New devices that make a big difference for patients!

The acquisition of three new positron emission tomographs (PET-CT) allowed for more clinical examinations in the last year and advanced research on type 2 diabetes.

Impact report 2022—23


October 3, 2023
Together, we go further!

You give us wings to go further!

Laurie & Charlie
2023 annual campaign | CHUS Foundation


June 20 2023
We take great care of your health.

Do you know why we need you? To offer the best care to people here, close to home.

End of the major fundraising campaign of the CHUS Foundation - 2018-2022


May 3 2023
Major campaign by the CHUS Foundation | a record amount that will be reinvested in health

It is with great pride that the CHUS Foundation announces that it has raised a record amount of $48,617,950 during its major campaign, which began in 2018 and which just ended in March.

Photo at the Sherbrooke Phoenix


November 27, 2022
Success for the CHUS Foundation match!

The CHUS Foundation match ended particularly well: a Phoenix victory and $6,590 for children treated in pediatric oncology!

Photo boxer shorts | Laiterie Coaticook


November 23, 2022
The CHUS Foundation and Laiterie de Coaticook join forces for health

A brand new fundraising campaign to benefit the CHUS Foundation has just been launched thanks to La Laiterie de Coaticook!

Prof. Louis Gendron
Research Chair in Pain Management and Opioid Pharmacology


November 7, 2022
New hospital-university research chair in pain treatment

Towards pain treatments that are more effective and safe than opioids?

Isabelle, chef de service du bloc opératoire


June 28, 2022
The CHUS Foundation is asking donors to fund a new operating room

The CHUS Foundation is appealing to donors to finance a new integrated operating room, at the cutting edge of technology, at the Fleurimont Hospital of the CIUSSS de l'Estrie — CHUS.

Deux hommes qui se parlent en accrochant des lettres sur un bâtiment


April 5, 2022
The CHUS Foundation thinks big thanks to small donations

This week, the CHUS Foundation launched an advertising campaign to boost the last wave of its major 2018-2022 fundraising campaign.

CHUS Foundation logo


March 28, 2022
The CHUS Foundation is modernizing its brand image

In March 2022, after 10 years of using the previous logo, the CHUS Foundation aunched a new brand image that is more current, more modern, more in line with its image.

Portrait des docteurs Dr Claudio Jeldres, urologue et responsable du projet et les chercheurs Martin Bisaillon et François-Michel Boisvert dans leur laboratoire.


February 1, 2022
The Foundation is funding a research project on bladder cancer

The CHUS Foundation announces the awarding of $470,000 for a research component on bladder cancer.

Two hands that hold each other


November 19, 2022
10th edition of Au coeur de la vie: over 5.5 million dollars raised

The 10th edition of the annual program Au cœur de la vie by the CHUS Foundation was held tonight, in collaboration with Radio-Canada. The donations raised during the evening were the culmination of the annual fundraiser, reaching $5,537,803.