In this mental health week, the CHUS Foundation is pleased to announce a major donation from RBC Foundation, which is offering a contribution of $300,000 over three years to the Center de Recherche du CHUS (CRCHUS) of the CIUSSS de l'Estrie-CHUS. This amount will be used to fund a research program in mental health self-care.
This large-scale project is led by the team of Pasquale Roberge, a research professor at the University of Sherbrooke and at the CRCHUS. Thanks to a platform, adapted tools will be available online and will allow research participants with anxiety or mood disorders to be autonomous in their recovery process.
“Currently under development, this platform will also be accessible to clinicians who will be able to refer patients to it and monitor their progress,” says Ms. Roberge.
For several years, RBC Foundation has been concerned about mental health issues, having funded several projects aimed at young people in particular. The regional vice-president of RBC Royal Bank for the South Shore, Montérégie and Estrie, Mr. Denis Therrien, considers that the research component is essential.
“Our commitment is to support initiatives that help people who need mental health services and care. We are very proud to participate in this research which, through the use of new technologies, ultimately aims to promote access to quality resources that can meet the autonomy needs of many people.”
The CRCHUS team plans to launch the research project very soon. More details will then be available for those who want to participate.
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